Soar among the floating mountains and unleash devastating Ikran attacks – the power to become a true Na’vi master lies within the five sacred Tarsyu Flowers scattered across Pandora. But where do these elusive blooms hide? Fear not, for this guide reveals the secrets of each Tarsyu Flower, granting you access to all Ancestor Skills!
Air Boost
Finding this Tarsyu Flower is an integral part of the main campaign, so you won’t miss it as you progress through the story.
Drop Impact
This Tarsyu Flower is nestled amidst the Boundless Ridge, a collection of floating islands in the southwestern corner of Kinglor Forest. Remember, you’ll need your trusty Ikran to reach these lofty heights. Keep an eye out for a smallish island surrounded by larger ones – the Tarsyu Flower awaits.
Head to the southeastern section of the Silk Woods region in Kinglor Forest, near the Threaded River. Look for a series of floating islands – you can either platform your way up using lift vines or soar gracefully there with your Ikran.
Deeper Connection
This final Tarsyu Flower lies along Stoneblade Ridge in north-central Kinglor Forest. It’s tucked away inside a large, conspicuous dead tree. However, prepare for a challenge – the flower remains dormant until you conquer the nearby Laser Ore Processor Alpha RDA base. This formidable outpost requires a power level of at least 20, making it the final piece of your Ancestor Skill puzzle.
Free Fast Travel
This particular Tarsyu Flower is accessible after completing “The Hidden Clan” main quest. Travel to the plateau at the top of Grasping Mountain, north of the Resistance Hideout in the Clouded Forest. Ascend the cliff face with a narrow pass and scale the large orange mushrooms to enter the pass. Follow a linear path by jumping across platforms and mushrooms until you find the Tarsyu Flower.
In the northeast corner of the Upper Plains, near a conspicuous giant stone arch, lies the “Reconnaissance” Tarsyu Flower. Navigate to the southwest edge of the arch where it meets the ground, revealing a large cave. The flower awaits inside, and you don’t need to confront any RDA bases in the vicinity.
Located in the southern reaches of the Upper Plains in an area called Step’s Cradle, the “Screech” Tarsyu Flower is situated on a mushroom-cloud-shaped formation. Spot an Ikran gear basket on top of it, drop down a level, and find a cave partially concealed by vines. Platform up the pink glowing mushroom inside the rock formation to reach the flower.
Tarsyu Network
Nestled in the Cascading Stones region in the northeastern part of the Clouded Forest, the “Tarsyu Network” Tarsyu Flower requires completion of “The Hidden Clan” main quest. Fly to the top of the Flying Giant mountain to discover a serene spring or lake. In the middle of this water feature, a small island holds the coveted flower.
Way of the Diplomat
To find this flower, head to Celebration Valley in the southeast region of the Upper Plains. Look for a massive floating rock formation called the Great Tusk. Utilize your Ikran to reach the location. While the map might not precisely indicate the flower’s position, search for a series of waterfalls on the Great Tusk – the flower is nestled among them.
Wing Gust
Explore the southwest corner of the Upper Plains in the Eywa’s Reach region to find the “Wing Gust” Tarsyu Flower. It resides on a large floating rock formation known as Toruk’s Peak. Locate the flower near the top of the rock formation, close to an Ikran gear basket.
Soft Landing
In the Gossamer Lakes region west of Kinglor Forest, look for a rocky island in the middle of a wide section of the river. Enter the cave within the island and navigate the inner cavern by scaling the large roots until you reach the Tarsyu Flower.
With all five Tarsyu Flowers discovered, you’ll have unlocked the full potential of the Na’vi, mastering incredible abilities and forging an even deeper connection with Pandora‘s magnificent wildlife. So, unleash your inner warrior, embrace the spirit of the forest, and soar through the skies with newfound power!