In this day and age of bleeding-edge information tech, it’s easy to eventually forget about doing simple actions for children like reading them stories from a book. But the same smart home tech that’s phasing out that sort of activity can revitalize it into something magical. And leave it to Disney to demonstrate just how.
Disney along with Penguin Random House Publishing and Google has collaborated to create a new storytelling experience in conjunction with the Little Golden Book storybook series. New Little Golden Book releases adapting various Disney films can, when read by a storyteller in range of a Google Home smart speaker, will activate various audio cues in time with the tale’s events.
Here’s a list of fairly recent Little Golden Book Disney storybooks that have the appropriate audio backing on Google Home:
- The Three Little Pigs
- Cinderella
- Alice in Wonderland
- Peter Pan
- Mickey Mouse and His Spaceship
- Mickey’s Christmas Carol (exclusive on Target)
- Toy Story 3
- Moana
- Coco
- Jack Jack Attack
So when reading, for example, the Disney’s Coco Little Golden Book, sound effects like strumming guitars will sound when certain passages are read. And when the teller pauses, background music from the film pipes up. Finally, Google Home can detect when the reader’s skipping scenes, automatically shifting audio to always match what’s happening in-story at present.