Released exclusively for the Sony PlayStation 4 this past September, the Spider-Man videogame developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment was considered something of a triumphant return for the game format pioneered on the original PlayStation from Activision, with an added open-world sandbox element from later iterations.
Featuring an adult veteran iteration of Peter Parker as the web-swinging hero/menace of New York, the game features a gripping storyline that involves Spider-Man’s cast of supporting characters and villains all over a massive cityscape with plenty of ground and rooftops to cover, people to see and things to do.
And to do all that crime-fighting necessary, Spidey’s going to need some heavy equipment, in the form of his massive costume wardrobe. Some are just for cool points, others have neat gimmicks, but all will find some use with Spider-Man on his greatest challenge yet. Here’s his bug costume list:
- Advanced – default costume as seen in game trailers
- Velocity – increases speed
- Vintage – a tribute to his classic coloring scheme, with cel-shading to contrast with the realistic environment
- Underoos – Spider-Man in hood and Spidey-trunks only
- Anti-Ock – used against the climactic game boss, no points for guessing who
- Battle-Damaged – a torn-up version of the Classic suit
- Empire State University Shirt – Peter’s civilian clothes with only his mask as an actual costume
- Classic (Amazing Fantasy #15, 1962) – first appearance costume
- Dark (Spider-Man/Deadpool #8, 2016) – acquired by Peter in Purgatory after being killed and meeting Mephisto (long story)
- Electro-Proof (Amazing Spider-Man #425, 1997) – used when fighting against Electro with Nate Grey/X-Man
- Uru (Fear Itself #7, 2010) – forged by Tony Stark and the Nidavellir dwarves out of Uru metal; destroyed by Odin before he could enjoy its use
- Homemade (Spider-Man: Homecoming, 2017) – his initial costume as seen in the MCU film, before Tony Stark started “sponsoring†him
- Iron Spider (Amazing Spider-Man #529, 2006 and Spider-Man: Homecoming) – originally created in the “Civil War” comic storyline, then adapted for the MCU; has robot spider-arms (3 in comics, 4 in MCU)
- Last Stand (Amazing Spider-Man #500, 2003) – worn by the alternate Spider-Man of Earth-312500
- Mk. II Armor (Amazing Spider-Man #656, 2011) – bulletproofed due to needing it at a time when his Spider-Sense was inactive
- Mk. III Armor (Amazing Spider-Man #682, 2012) – from the “Ends of the Earth†storyline, aka the anti-Sinister Six costume, specifically designed to counter their powers and gimmicks; built at Horizon Labs
- Mk. IV Armor (Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 4 #1, 2015) – his costume at the start of the All-New All-Different Marvel label; destroyed by Superior Octopus (Doc Ock in re-cloned Parker body)
- Negative (Spider-Man #90, 1998) – used during his adventure in the Negative Zone
- Noir (Spider-Man: Noir #1, 2008) – the costume of the alternate Spider-Man from a 1933 Depression-Era New York
- Secret War Black (Secret War #8, 2004) – used by Spidey as part of Nick Fury’s unsanctioned invasion of Latveria
- Scarlet Spider (Original) (Web of Spider-Man #118, 1994) – costume of Peter’s clone Ben Reilly
- Spider-Punk (Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 3 #10, 2014) – Introduced in the “Spider-Verse†event, a rocker Spidey fighting President Osborn in Earth-138; real identity Hobie Brown (Prowler of main universe)
- Spirit Spider (Amazing Spider-Man Annual #38, 2011) – alternate-dimension Spidey who died and was revived by being fused with the Spirit of Vengeance (which creates Ghost Riders)
- Stark Suit (Captain America: Civil War, 2016) – debut costume of MCU Spider-Man played by Tom Holland
- Stealth (Amazing Spider-Man #650, 2010) – debuted in the “Big Time†storyline, built at Horizon Labs; can turn invisible and protects against sonic attacks
- Wrestler (Ultimate Spider-Man #3, 2000) – based on the homemade costume used by Peter in the Ultimate Marvel comic universe
- Spider-Man 2099 (Amazing Spider-Man #365, 1992) – costume of possible future web-crawler Miguel O’Hara, who later launched his own comic book series
- Spider-Man 2099 (White) (Spider-Man 2099 Vol. 3 #1, 2015) – costume of another version of Miguel O’Hara who got stuck in the present-day main universe and worked for Parker Industries