Completing the Eyes in the Dark quest in Disney Dreamlight Valley is the only way to get Nala to move in and help Simba solve the hyena dilemma. Here’s how to complete it.
Initiating the Quest
To begin the “Eyes in the Dark” quest, players need to visit Simba and Nala’s realm. Locate the Lion King door in the magic castle, which can be identified by a lion cub symbol on the left side when ascending the first set of stairs. The door is situated next to the Frozen door and requires 10,000 Dreamlight to open.
Assisting Nala
Upon entering Simba and Nala’s realm, Nala will provide players with an overview of the situation and request their help in blocking the hyenas’ path. Thorn bushes are the key to accomplishing this task.
Equip the shovel and search for dried thorn bush clumps in the vicinity. One clump can be found to the right of the area entrance, and by using the shovel, players can interact with the highlighted ground surrounding the clump.
Players need to dig up four more thorn bush clumps and then plant the seeds at the ledge where Nala is waiting, to the right of the realm’s entrance. After planting the seeds, water them to ensure immediate sprouting.
Clearing the Cave Entrance
The next objective is to unblock the glowy cave entrance located to the left of the realm’s entrance. Now players can use their shovel to dig up the previously inaccessible dried stumps.
In case of a quest bug where Nala fails to acknowledge the unblocked cave entrance, exiting the area through the cave into the jungle or returning to the valley and then re-entering the realm should resolve the issue, putting Nala back on track.
Creating a Pathway
Nala will request players to create a pathway for Simba’s return. The dangling log over the waterfall presents an ideal solution. Follow the riverbank downstream to a rock ledge on the left side, equip the pickaxe, and break the rocks at that location. The log will fall into place, allowing Simba’s safe return.

Collecting Bugs for Simba
Simba desires to prepare something special for Nala, and he decides on a platter of bugs. Players are tasked with collecting Slimy Bugs and Colorful Bugs. Slimy Bugs can be found in the water, so use the fishing rod in the jungle river to catch the required three bugs. Colorful Bugs, which are actually Red Bugs, inhabit the dried-out oasis. Search sparkling areas on the ground to unearth them.
Gathering Red Bugs
Return to the jungle and speak with Simba, who will now request players to collect Red Bugs for an exciting twist in the dish. Climb the log dropped near the waterfall and follow the path to a small clearing. Dig around the large, dead tree stump to find the Red Bugs. They scatter upon digging but remain visible for collection throughout the clearing.
Return to Simba with the collected bugs and make use of the cooking station near him to assemble the bug platter. Repeat this process two more times to complete the platters.
Dealing with the Hyena Problem
After Nala samples the bug platter, players need to seek advice from Scrooge McDuck regarding scaring off the hyenas. Scrooge will recommend using an old sound system that requires repair.
To fix the sound system, you will need the following materials:
- 2 Iron Ingot
- 10 Softwood
- 5 Hardwood
Bringing Pride Rock Back
Once the sound system is fixed, give it to Nala. With the hyenas gone, players can finally bring Pride Rock back to the valley. However, a payment of 15,000 coins to Scrooge McDuck is required to complete the quest and secure Pride Rock’s return.

Completing the Eyes in the Dark quest is a thrilling journey that not only aids Simba and Nala but also brings prosperity and happiness to Disney Dreamlight Valley. Follow these steps diligently to ensure a successful quest and witness the magic unfold in this enchanting realm.