In 2002, Disney Channel premiered Kim Possible, an action-comedy animated series about a high-school girl who sets herself up as a general do-anything freelancer online, only to become a globe-trotting crime-fighter with a number of friends, allies and foes. The show combined awesome action sequences with Kim’s personal issues as a growing adolescent, and her relationship with her best friend/sidekick.
Some 12 years after the fourth and final season of Kim Possible ended its run on Disney Channel, they’re bringing it back – as a live-action feature-length TV film, with a story written by the original animated series creators. It’s the third Kim Possible TV movie, a retelling of the story with Kim and Ron starting out at Middleton High School.
Here’s a list of the cast announced for the live-action Kim Possible next year:
- Sadie Stanley – Kim Possible, high-school cheerleader, problem solver, crime fighter
- Sean Giambrone – Ron Stoppable, Kim’s sidekick and best friend.
- Alyson Hannigan – Dr. Ann Possible, Kim’s mother, a brain surgeon
- Connie Ray – Nana Possible, Kim’s grandmother
- Todd Stashwick – Dr. Drakken, a mad scientist and Kim’s primary archenemy
- Taylor Ortega – Shego, Drakken’s energy-wielding henchwoman, Kim’s personal rival in hero-villain terms
- Erika Tham – Bonnie Rockwaller, Kim’s childhood frenemy and cheerleading rival
- Ciara Wilson – Athena, transfer student at Kim’s school
- Issac Ryan Brown – Wade, computer genius, ace inventor and hacker, Kim’s “voice with an internet connection”
- Patton Oswalt – Professor Dementor, another mad scientist with an over-the-top German accent; he is the only character from the animated series to be reprised in live-action by his voice actor
There will also be a cameo from Christy Romano, the original voice actress of Kim Possible from the show.
Kim Possible will premiere February 25, 2019 on Disney Channel.