List of New Villains Introduced in Disney’s “Ducktales” Reboot

Thus far, Disney’s 2017 reboot of its classic animated cartoon series Ducktales has been everything fans wanted and more. From the greater presence of Donald Duck in the adventures and the driving myth arc regarding what happened to his sister – the nephews’ mother – everything’s been going at an exciting pace.

While classic Ducktales baddies like Flintheart Glomgold, the Beagle Boys and even Magica de Spell are all accounted for in this re-imagining of the series, there’s still room for more interesting new antagonists for Scrooge McDuck and his family to tangle with. Here’s a list of the prominent new villains.

  1. Captain Peghook – a ghost pirate summoned by the nephews from Scrooge’s chamber of knick-knacks in the “Woo-oo!” pilot
  2. Gabby McStabberson – Glomgold’s female henchman in “Woo-oo!”; claims to be raised by warrior monks who taught her swordsmanship; takes an interest in Donald
  3. Hack & Slash Smashnikov – twin-brother henchmen of Glomgold’s, also from “Woo-oo!”
  4. Toad Liu Hai – purported owner of the House of Lucky Fortune casino in Macaw, actually an ancient luck and fortune spirit harvesting the lucky energy of Duck relative Gladstone Gander in the episode “House of the Lucky Gander”
  5. Mark Beaks – a modern-day tech guru millionaire, CEO of the search engine/online platform Waddle; while outwardly hip and friendly, he’s also amoral with corrupt practices; first appeared in “The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks”; some in the fan community nickname him “Mark Duckerberg”
  6. Falcon Graves – a ruthless industrial spy secretly hired by Mark Beaks, also in “The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks”; while single-mindedly focused on his job, he has his own standards and will turn against any employer feeding him false info
  7. Toth-Ra – from “The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra”, a sinister undead Pharaoh mummy
  8. Zeus – the Greek god from Olympus who is hostile to Scrooge for his great popularity with the public; appeared in “The Spear of Selene”
  9. Briar and Bramble – two kelpies managing the Druids Cup golf tournament in “The Missing Links of Moorshire”, who try (but fail) to lure Scrooge and company – and Glomgold – to the water to drown them; their character designs are inspired by My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic with the characters voiced by Pony voice actresses Tara Strong and Andrea Libman