If you’re surprised to be told that Disney is better at using emoji than Sony Pictures’ The Emoji Movie, then you probably haven’t yet seen one of the “As Told by Emoji†videos. In the greatest crossover of storytelling meets modern method, a number of films got the “MMS†treatment.
Starting from 2015, “As Told by Emoji†retells some Disney animated films old and new, as if they were a text stream of a smartphone’s messaging feature. From emoji heads of characters, to the application of popularly-used symbols and quirky animation, 90-minute to 2-hours movies are condensed into 2-3 minutes.
Just so we can make this a recurring theme in Disney Movies List, we’ll start things off with a list of Disney films “As Told By Emoji†during its inaugural season, when the narrative themes of the web series were introduced and codified for the seasons that would come after.
The “As Told by Emoji†videos can be found on Disney’s official YouTube channel.