List of Significant Sailing Ships in Disney’s “Pirates of the Caribbean” Film Franchise

List of Significant Sailing Ships in Disney’s “Pirates of the Caribbean” Film Franchise

When Disney adapted their dark-ride theme-park attraction Pirates of the Caribbean into a film series, they spawned a vibrant universe of colorful locations, characters, and even vessels. Now we’re making a list of all the prominent sailing ships – magical or otherwise – that carried Jack and his friends/foes across the seas.

  1. Black Pearl – the face ship of the Pirates franchise; originally the East Indiaman Wicked Wench until sunk by the EITC, then raised in its black form by Davy Jones; Captain Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbosa come to blows over its command throughout the franchise
  2. HMS Interceptor – reputed fastest Royal Navy ship in the Caribbean circa Curse of the Black Pearl; commandeered by Jack and his ragtag crew to pursue the Pearl, at the time a cursed ship under Barbosa’s command; destroyed by the Black Pearl
  3. HMS Dauntless – Royal Navy flagship of Commodore James Norrington; used to pursue Jack during the first film and after, only to sink in a hurricane before the events of Dead Man’s Chest
  4. Flying Dutchman – cursed ship of Davy Jones, rogue ferryman of the souls of the drowned at sea out of spite for being stood up by the goddess Calypso; command transferred to William Turner in the climax of At World’s End; lost its cursed nature following the climax of Dead Men Tell No Tales/Salazar’s Revenge
  5. HMS Endeavor – armada flagship of Lord Cutler Beckett from the East India Trading Company; destroyed in the climax of At World’s End by the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman
  6. Empress – pirate flagship of Sao Feng, Pirate Lord of Singapore; passed onto Elizabeth Swan after Sao’s death and became her command as (briefly) successor Pirate Lord and “elected” Pirate King; she actually gave captaincy to Sao’s bodyguard Tai Huang while she was at the Black Pearl during the battle with the EITC and Davy Jones
  7. HMS Providence – Hector Barbosa’s command as a privateer during On Stranger Tides; destroyed by mermaids at Whitecap Bay on the way to the Fountain of Youth
  8. Queen Anne’s Revenge – pirate flagship of Edward “Blackbeard” Teach in On Stranger Tides; can sail at any time thanks to Blackbeard’s possession of the magical Sword of Triton; passed onto Barbosa after Blackbeard’s death; forcibly abandoned in Dead Men Tell No Tales after Barbosa and his crew are taken by Capitan Salazar
  9. Dying Gull – “flagship” of Jack Sparrow at the start ofDead Men Tell No Tales; laid up in dry dock and no longer seaworthy
  10. Silent Mary – flagship of Spanish naval captain and avowed pirate hunter, Armando Salazar; tricked into sailing inside the cursed Devil’s Triangle by a young Jack Sparrow, Salazar and his men were damned to an undead existence, with the Silent Mary turned into a ship-devouring monster; destroyed along with Salazar and “all curses of the sea” at the climax ofDead Men Tell No Tales