List of Languages “Guardians of the Galaxy” was Translated Into, According to “I Am Groot” Blu-Ray Featurette

When major Hollywood blockbuster films are released internationally, they might eventually receive dubs in the local languages where they premiere. Disney-Marvel Studios’ MCU movies are no exception, like the first Guardians of the Galaxy in 2014. Marvel released a quirky short video demonstrating the many languages it was translated into.

The subject of the video is the translation of the only “words” that can be vocalized by the tree-like alien Groot, voiced by Vin Diesel. There are 15 languages that “I am Groot”, and by extension the Guardians film, was translated to in the vid. Let’s start listing them down:

  1. Spanish – Yo soy Groot
  2. Ukrainian – Я є Грут
  3. Hungarian – En vagyok Groot
  4. Japanese – 私はグルート
  5. Polish – Jestem Groot
  6. Italian – Io sono Groot
  7. Portuguese – Eu sou Groot
  8. Kazakh – Атым Грут
  9. French – Je s’appelle Groot
  10. Russian – Я есть Грут
  11. Turkish – Adim Groot
  12. Hindi – मैं हूँ Groot
  13. German – Ich bin Groot
  14. Czech – Já jsem Groot
  15. Mandarin – 我是格鲁特