2015’s Cinderella was a collaborative effort between Walt Disney Pictures, Kinberg Genre, Allison Shearmur Productions, and Beagle Pug Films. The film is a remake of Walt Disney’s 1950 animated version, also titled The Jungle Book, and is based on the classic folk tale.
Directed By: Kenneth Branagh
Starring: Lily James, Cate Blanchett, Richard Madden, Holliday Grainger, and Helena Bonham Carter
Revenue: $542.4 million
After her father dies suddenly, young Ella (Lily James) is put to work in the scullery by her stepmother (Cate Blanchett) and stepsisters. She is not going to give up hope no matter how bad things get. Ella’s stepmother forbids her from attending a palace gala, where she hopes to see the handsome stranger (Richard Madden) she met in the woods. A helpful beggar woman with a knack for making the mundane extraordinary appears.