When is ‘The Santa Clauses’ Season 2 Episode 6 release date and time?
‘The Santa Clauses’ Season 2 Episode 6 release date is Wednesday, December 6, 2023 on Disney+ .
‘The Santa Clauses’ Season 2 Episode 6 release time :
- 12 a.m. PT
- 2 a.m. CT
- 3 a.m. ET
- 1 a.m. MT
- 8 p.m. GMT (UK)
How many episodes of ‘The Santa Clauses’ Season 2are there?
‘The Santa Clauses’ Season 2 has 6 episodes .
‘The Santa Clauses’ Season 2 episode release schedule :
- Episode 1 – November 8, 2023 .
- Episode 2 – November 8, 2023 .
- Episode 3 – November 15, 2023 .
- Episode 4 – November 22, 2023 .
- Episode 5 – November 29, 2023 .
- Episode 6 – December 6, 2023 .
‘The Santa Clauses’ Season 2 Cast & Character :
- Elizabeth Mitchell as Mrs. Claus/Carol
- Austin Kane as Buddy “Cal” Calvin Claus
- Elizabeth Allen-Dick as Sandra Calvin Claus
- Devin Bright as Noel
- Matilda Lawler as Santa’s chief of staff
Season 2 ‘The Santa Clauses’ : Where to Find It?
‘The Santa Clauses’ Season 2 can be viewed on Disney +.
The official synopsis for The Santa Clauses Season 2 reads:
“After nearly three decades of being Santa Claus, Scott Calvin’s magic begins to falter. As he struggles to keep up with the demands of the job, he discovers a new clause that forces him to rethink his role as Santa and as a father.â€