When is the Goosebumps Season 1 Episode 10 release date and time?
Goosebumps Season 1 Episode 10 release date is November 17, 2023 on Disney+ & Hulu.
Goosebumps Season 1 Episode 10 release time :
- 12:00 a.m. PT
- 3:00 a.m. ET
- 8:00 a.m. BST
- 9:00 a.m. CEST
Episode info : When the teens return from their Seattle trip, they quickly realize that Port Lawrence and all of its residents are in grave danger; a new evil has taken over the town, and they must band together in order to save it.
Goosebumps Season 1 Cast & Character :
- Justin Long as Mr. Bratt
- Ana Yi Puig as Isabella
- Miles McKenna as James
- Isa Briones as Margot
- Zack Morris as Isaiah
- Will Price as Lucas
- Rachel Harris as Nora
- Rob Huebel as Colin
- Ben Cockell as Harold Biddle
How many episodes of Goosebumps Season 1 are there?
Goosebumps Season 1 has 10 episodes .
What is the Goosebumps Season 1 Episode 10 title ?
The title of GoosebumpsSeason 1 Episode 10 is : “WELCOME TO HORRORLANDâ€
Goosebumps Season 1 episode release schedule :
- Episodes 1-5: October 13.
- Episode 6: October 20.
- Episode 7: October 27.
- Episode 8: November 3.
- Episode 9: November 10.
- Episode 10: November 17.
Goosebumps Season 1 : Where to Find It?
Goosebumps Season 1 can be viewed on Disney + & Hulu
The official synopsis for Goosebumps (2023) reads:
“A group of five high schoolers embark on a shadowy and twisted journey to investigate the tragic passing three decades earlier of a teen named Harold Biddle – while also unearthing dark secrets from their parents’ past.â€